At 61 i definitely feel the way you do about 40s and 80s. It's a conundrum for sure. I'm also of the mindset that having a positive attitude about ageing will help me age positively.
I like this attitude you write about here. I'm in my seventies and I've written about how I, and other women of my generation are fighting against ageing the way our parents did. We don't want to grow old in the stereotypical way set down by the last generation. I also write about how I have an ageless mindset and refuse to refer to myself as 'old'. You, too, have this new way of thinking about age. Welcome to the club.
I have many of the fears and thoughts you voice here!
Let´s join forces to release the fears and turn them into power!!!
At 61 i definitely feel the way you do about 40s and 80s. It's a conundrum for sure. I'm also of the mindset that having a positive attitude about ageing will help me age positively.
I like this attitude you write about here. I'm in my seventies and I've written about how I, and other women of my generation are fighting against ageing the way our parents did. We don't want to grow old in the stereotypical way set down by the last generation. I also write about how I have an ageless mindset and refuse to refer to myself as 'old'. You, too, have this new way of thinking about age. Welcome to the club.
Thank you Patricia! I am happy to join the club <3